We can organize and facilitate your meetings and strategic planning sessions.
Meeting agendas
Background Information
Hybrid Model presentation where required
Consolidated outcomes and final reports and “Next Steps.”
Meal arrangements, local caters, First Nations Caters and “health conscious” options
Arrange Elders & Spiritual Advisors for prayers and land Acknowledgements.
Support your workers with mentoring & advocacy for personal wellness
Arrange and complete Gladue Reports for those in the Criminal Justice System
Proposal Writing
Report Writing
Restorative Justice Approaches
Making Changes with Transformative Justice - Going beyond the criminal justice system.
Family Reunification, Indigenous Genealogy
We can support you in most projects!
Coaching, Mentoring and Advocacy!
One of the most essential things in life is to have someone support you as you make the changes you desire or need to make to ensure your survival. Even though we aren’t clinical counsellors, we can undoubtedly advocate on your behalf with various agencies, treatment centers, AA/NA, Well Briety and licensed supports to get you the help and support you need.
Wellness Planning
As we work to support the changes you want to make in your life, we will also help you develop a personal wellness plan that addresses your mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional wellness. Your plan will be your framework for the changes you desire as you move forward.
Our Projects
Sign up to attend my live webinars, which explore different strategies for better connecting the mind & body
Blackfish Cedar - Yuxwule’ Coastal Healing Lodge Concept
Blackfish Cedar - Landbase Healing Concept
Blackfish Cedar Elders Words of Wisdom: Living the Traditional Ways concept
Blackfish Cedar -Elders Words of Wisdom: “You are always our children.” concept paper
Blackfish Cedar - Indigenous Cultural Tool
Blackfish Cedar - Urban Justice Strategy Concept
Blackfish Cedar - Urban Justice Workshop - Planning
Fisheries Meeting- First Nations Community
Upcoming - Geneology and History page - Blackfish Cedar

“I promised myself a long time ago that I would lead an interesting life.”
Sacheen Littlefeather